The aim of Play Outdoor Programme (POP) Play Rangers is to encourage outdoor play, inspiring children and young people to identify play spaces and learn to use their environment to enhance their own play experiences.
We believe playing outdoors is of vital importance to a child’s development which is why we run play sessions dedicated to being outside and encouraging enjoyment of the outdoors. Being outside helps children to be physically active, enjoying the freedom provided by open spaces, but also boosts children’s mental well being and cognitive ability.
Our Play Rangers operate in several local neighbourhoods, bringing the play and play equipment direct to children. This enables children and young people to overcome barriers which stop them from playing in open spaces and demonstrates the importance of play at a local level within the community.
By being present in the streets and open spaces in all weather conditions children and young people are empowered by the free choice and openness of the activities. The play sessions provide an opportunity for them to be challenged and take risks but not beyond their capabilities.
Our Play Rangers provide a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities for children aged 5-12 yrs and involve sport and physically active games such as basketball, tennis, hockey, tag and races, but also creative activities such as den building and water and mud play which allow children to explore their environment and use their imaginations to have fun, all of our play sessions are child-led, so we never know in which direction it will go! Children are encouraged to be creative and use their imaginations, making up games and exploring their environment.
PASP recognise that ‘free play’ is not widely understood or valued and therefore promotes the benefits. We believe that play is a doorway to learning, stimulating children’s imaginations, helping them adapt and solve problems and that play arouses curiosity, which leads to discovery and creativity.
Play Rangers help with den building, arts & crafts, junk art, mud pies and team-building games. They also go out regardless of the weather so children can splash in puddles, play with leaves on windy days and build snowmen, but we do ask that children dress appropriately.
Play Rangers provide a safe and supportive environment for children to enjoy themselves and have lots and lots of fun! Play Rangers is a community outreach programme and we currently operate sessions in the following areas: Kirkwood, Shawhead, Sikeside, Langloan.